Review of Fee Schedules & Encounter Forms
You didn’t go to medical school to trifle with fee schedules and encounter forms. These may seem to be just the boring minutia of running a medical office. But the truth is that accurate fee schedules and encounter forms are critical to your bottom line.
Setting your fees can be an uncomfortable, arbitrary, and easily overlooked process. Obsolete fee schedules can result in significantly under-charging insurance companies, over-charging your patients, and lots of lost revenue opportunities. Don’t let your fee schedules become obsolete!
Accurate fee schedules and encounter forms are critical to your bottom line.
Associated Management Services will review your fee schedule to ensure your fees reflect the range charged in your geographical area. Fees that are higher than any expected payment amounts will be suggested, to assure you will receive the highest possible reimbursement.
The encounter form is the essential form that links services provided to your information system and the billing process on for each patient you treat. Encounter forms are a key component to accurate collections and billing. They document services rendered by capturing your patients’ diagnosis and procedure codes, which then allow fees to be determined. Properly designed encounter forms are critical for effective billing and collection of payment for services. Outdated encounter forms can negatively impact your practice’s efficiency and profit margins.
CPT and ICD-10 codes will continue to change annually. AMS will review your encounter form for accuracy and keep you informed of changes and deletions at the time the CPT and ICD-10 changes are published. We will work with you to create an effective encounter form for each place of service you attend, to ensure all encounters are captured and billed.
Contact us today to schedule your first consultation.
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